2015 Registration Still Open For Freshwater Mollusks Conservation Society March Symposium
On March 22-27th of 2015, the Freshwater Mollusk Conservation Society (FMCS) will host their 9th Biennial Symposium in conjunction with the 71st Annual Meeting of the Upper Mississippi River Conservation Committee (UMRCC) at the Convention Center in St. Charles, Missouri. The Missouri Department of Conservation & Ecological Specialists, Inc., will host the event. While the abstract submission period has closed, you can still register as an “early bird” through February 13th, at the regular fee through March 13th, or as a “walk-in” at the meeting itself.
With a theme of “Conserving Aquatic Ecosystems – At the Confluence of the Past and Future,” the meeting will include FMCS/UMRCC business meetings, joint plenary sessions, oral & poster technical presentations, a mussel propagation workshop, field trips, and an auction.
Attention, Students!
Travel awards are available via application, due January 15, 2015. In addition, you can receive a discount on registration by volunteering to help with a variety of tasks during the conference. Click here for contact & application details.
For more information, contact:
Steve McMurray ([email protected])
Heidi Dunn ([email protected])