2016 Chapter Meeting Registration Now Open
Our registration page for our joint NC/VA Chapter meeting is now live. All NC attendees should use this form, regardless of payment method. Thanks to all of our current and future meeting sponsors for helping to keep your costs low!
Click here to begin your registration.
Important Notes:
- Registration is $75 for professionals, $25 for retirees (new this year), $25 for students, $25 for the Continuing Education course.
- Retirees will find the checkbox for discounted registration on the same line as students.
- You may also include your $7 for annual Chapter dues (new or existing members). No additional form required.
- Credit card payment is available through the Paypal form at the bottom of the registration page. Please add up your own total & don’t forget to include your name for payment matching.
- Registration is for the AFS meeting only; if you are only attending the Mussel Workgroup portion, you do NOT need to fill this in. Contact Judy Ratcliffe with mussel group inquiries.
- The draft schedule on the meeting page will continue to be updated as fine-tuning occurs.
- Please contact our webmaster if you have any difficulties.