Abstract Deadline Extended: 2019 NCAFS Annual Meeting

The Historic Brookstown Inn
The 30th Annual Meeting of the North Carolina Chapter of the American Fisheries Society (NCAFS) will be held on February 19–21, 2019 at the Historic Brookstown Inn in Winston-Salem. As in years past, this year’s meeting will offer a half-day continuing education workshop (focused this year on aquatic nuisance species in North Carolina) and oral (traditional and lightning) and poster presentations. We encourage all old, young, and new Chapter members to contribute to our long-held tradition of having outstanding and diverse topics and well-attended meetings.
Meeting early registration is $75 for professional NCAFS members, $50 for students & retirees, and $100 for professional non-members. Workshop registration is $15 for NCAFS members, $20 for non-members. On-site lodging at the Historic Brookstown Inn will be offered at the state rate, and a welcome social, dinner, and refreshments at the breaks will be included in the registration price.
Thinking of presenting, but not sure if your subject matter fits NCAFS? Do not despair! We encourage hearing about all facets of freshwater and marine fisheries and related aquatic sciences, management and conservation of game and nongame aquatic species, freshwater gastropods and mollusks, and crayfish, invasive species (plants and animals alike), environmental aquatic contaminants, environmental restoration projects, citizen science and outreach programs, and emerging aquatic issues. This year, we would also like to welcome undergraduate and first semester graduate students, encouraging you to attend and present on your honors project, your beginning master’s research topic, or group class projects completed recently.
Traditional oral presentations will be limited to 20 minutes, whereas lightning talks (i.e., brief presentations on beginning or uncompleted projects or for those who are not long-winded) will be limited to 7 minutes, with all talks allowing for a short question and answer period. Presentations will use PowerPoint and we are generally able to accommodate embedded videos. Posters will need to fit on tri-fold display boards that are 36 x 48 inches. Poster presentation guidelines can be found here.
The deadline for abstract submission has been extended. Please use the official submission form (available here on meeting page) and limit your submissions to 300 words or less.
Our new deadline for submittal is January 25th, 2019.
Thank you very much for supporting the Chapter and we hope to see your abstract soon!
From 2019 Program Committee: Jake Rash and Bryn Tracy