Call for Chapter Award Nominations
The Chapter presents two awards on an as-warranted basis to recognize outstanding contributions by both chapter members and others. The Jerry R. Finke Distinguished Service Award recognizes Chapter members who have distinguished themselves by service to the Chapter, the AFS, or the fisheries profession. The Fred A. Harris Fisheries Conservation Award recognizes non-Chapter members who have distinguished themselves by service or commitment to the Chapter or the fisheries and aquatic resources of North Carolina. Click here for further descriptions and details of past winners.
The Awards Committee is soliciting nominations from the membership for both of these awards for 2018. If you are aware of a deserving individual or organization, please nominate them! Nomination letters should be no more than two pages long and provide specific information on the accomplishments of the candidates and why they qualify the candidate for the award. Qualifications for the Distinguished Service Award should extend beyond simply doing an outstanding job on regular chapter duties (e.g., officer or committee member responsibilities) and be based primarily on extraordinary efforts or new initiatives.
Please submit nominations to John Crutchfield at [email protected]. Nominations will be accepted until Monday, January 22, 2018. If you have any questions, please call John at 980-373-2288.
The chosen recipients will receive the awards at the annual meeting to be held in Morganton, NC on February 20-22, 2018.
Submitted by John Crutchfield and Greg Cope, NCAFS Awards Committee Co-Chairs

Mr. David Yow, the 2017 Jerry R. Finke Memorial Distinguished Service Award Recipient receiving his award from Dr. Mike Gangloff, NCAFS Chapter President.