Our Award-Winning NCSU Subunit Does It Again!
Fully participating in a fisheries conference can often bring on a mad attempt to be in four places at the same time, but NCAFS was very proud indeed during the gathering which packed the...
Fully participating in a fisheries conference can often bring on a mad attempt to be in four places at the same time, but NCAFS was very proud indeed during the gathering which packed the...
NCAFS 2015 Chapter Meeting Dates & Updates New on our meeting page: Judging Criteria For Paper Presentations. Get a clearer understanding of what will make your presentation award-worthy. Remember to vote for your new...
The Chapter presents two awards on an as-warranted basis to recognize outstanding contributions by both chapter members and others. The Distinguished Service Award recognizes Chapter members who have distinguished themselves by service to the...
From the Southern Division of the AFS: This scholarship was created in 1997 to provide financial assistance to graduate students in the southeastern United States (Alabama, Arkansas, Washington D.C., Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maryland,...
Congratulations to longtime NCAFS member & NC Wildlife Resources Commission (NCWRC) fish biologist/Fisheries Division Chief, Bob Curry, for the receipt of a Governor’s Conservation Award for dedication to protecting and conserving North Carolina’s natural...
NCAFS extends an enthusiastic BRAVO! to Tomas Ivasauskas and Paul Rudershausen, our 2014 recipients of the Chapter’s Student Travel Award! In addition to bragging rights, the award includes $400 to help defer the costs...
American Fisheries Society
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