2015 NCAFS Chapter Meeting Electronic Payments
If you wish to pay via credit card, but have not yet submitted payment, use our easy Paypal link. Located below the registration form on the same page, simply enter your name (or the...
If you wish to pay via credit card, but have not yet submitted payment, use our easy Paypal link. Located below the registration form on the same page, simply enter your name (or the...
Fully participating in a fisheries conference can often bring on a mad attempt to be in four places at the same time, but NCAFS was very proud indeed during the gathering which packed the...
NCAFS 2015 Chapter Meeting Dates & Updates New on our meeting page: Judging Criteria For Paper Presentations. Get a clearer understanding of what will make your presentation award-worthy. Remember to vote for your new...
On March 22-27th of 2015, the Freshwater Mollusk Conservation Society (FMCS) will host their 9th Biennial Symposium in conjunction with the 71st Annual Meeting of the Upper Mississippi River Conservation Committee (UMRCC) at the...
As announced in our Fall Newsletter this year, we have a new website and with it, the ability to streamline many of our Chapter functions, including registration for our Annual Meetings. This year’s registration...
Visit the 2015 NCAFS Annual Meeting page for complete details. Join us at the 2015 NC AFS Chapter Meeting in February, 2015. Our host will be the Courtyard Marriott, located at 100 Charlotte Avenue,...
NCAFS extends an enthusiastic BRAVO! to Tomas Ivasauskas and Paul Rudershausen, our 2014 recipients of the Chapter’s Student Travel Award! In addition to bragging rights, the award includes $400 to help defer the costs...
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