Changes Proposed To Awards & Funding Requests
The EXCOM has discussed and approved the following two documents for your review. Please review the documents prior to the business meeting on Thursday, February 22nd. The documents will be discussed and potentially voted upon at our business meeting.
- One discusses a proposed undergraduate student award. This award will provide money to undergraduate students to attend the NC AFS meeting. This is a new award that has been approved by both the EXCOM and the Awards Committee. Click here to download the award proposal.
- The second discusses requests for funding from NCAFS. The EXCOM has seen an increase in demand for funding from various organizations. The proposal will adjust funding timing, require an application for funding, and limit the amount of funds the society can give within a given year. Click here to download the funding request proposal.
If you have any questions about the documents prior to the February meeting please don’t hesitate to contact me or any EXCOM member.
Thank you,
Corey Oakley
NCAFS President