Media Category: 2024


District 4 spent most of the spring on the Cape Fear River surveying anadromous fish. Here, Clemson University’s Maggie Gaither measures an American Shad at Lock & Dam 3. Photo Credit: Kyle Rachels.


District 3 biologist David Belkoski with a large Freshwater Drum collected in Lake Gaston in May.


District 2 Fisheries Biologist I Mason Collins holding a nice Largemouth Bass while evaluating sport fish opportunities at Martin Marietta Park in New Bern, NC


District 1 biologists Deon Kerr (l) and Chris Smith (r) drop off control fish during a Striped Bass catch and release mortality study on the Roanoke River


Biologists with the Western Region of the Aquatic Wildlife Diversity Program holding a seine net full of spawning Redhorse, Moxostoma sp., in Peachtree Creek (Hiwassee Basin). Surveys utilizing backpack electrofishing and seines were conducted in April and May to identify tributaries used by Suckers during spawning.


Jennifer Dunn, Foothills AWD conservation technician, holds a male seagreen darter (Etheostoma thalassinum, NC-Special Concern) collected during spring surveys in the Jacob Fork headwaters, Burke County, NC. Jacob Fork, and nearby Henry Fork, are home to several additional SGCN aquatic species including thicklip chub (NC-T), Santee chub (NC-T) and South Mountains crayfish (NC-T)


Bluehead Chubs and White Shiners spawning on a chub mound in Deep Creek (Person County). Photo Credit: Michael Walter.


The Central Region Aquatic Wildlife Diversity team has been focusing on rare coastal fish surveys. They have spent time in the Cape Fear and Lumber basins updating distribution maps for 6 target species of rare fish including the Broadtail Madtom. This is accomplished in part by checking madtom motels.