Media Category: Images
The release crew: (L-R) Jennifer Archambault (USFWS), Brena Jones (NCWRC), Kendall Williams (NCWRC), Sonia Mumford (USFWS), Brandi Symons (USFWS). Photo credit: Jennifer Archambault.
Cape Fear Shiner broodfish at Edenton National Fish Hatchery. Photo credit: Brandi Symons.
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Tempering juvenile Cape Fear Shiners to Cape Fear River water before release. (L-R) Brena Jones (NCWRC), Jennifer Archambault (USFWS), Kendall Williams (NCWRC), Brandi Symons (USFWS). Photo credit: Sonia Mumford.
Sarah with a silver perch, Bairdiella chrysoura. Chase with a clearnose skate, Raja eglanteria. HyeSook with a Spot, Leiostomus xanthurus
Dr. Jim Morley navigates through a bridge on the river. Top Left: Members kayak across Sawyer Lake. Right: American Alligator basks in the morning sun on Sawyer Lake. Middle: Chase Spicer and Maggie Shostak navigate the National Wildlife Refuge the best way pirate’s know-how – on the water!
ECU AFS members encouraging undergraduate research involvement at the What’s Up Bio Event. (L-R) Dr. Rebecca Asch, Chase Spicer, Catlin McGarigal.