Media Category: Images


Jennifer Dunn, Foothills AWD conservation technician, holds a male seagreen darter (Etheostoma thalassinum, NC-Special Concern) collected during spring surveys in the Jacob Fork headwaters, Burke County, NC. Jacob Fork, and nearby Henry Fork, are home to several additional SGCN aquatic species including thicklip chub (NC-T), Santee chub (NC-T) and South Mountains crayfish (NC-T)


Bluehead Chubs and White Shiners spawning on a chub mound in Deep Creek (Person County). Photo Credit: Michael Walter.


The Central Region Aquatic Wildlife Diversity team has been focusing on rare coastal fish surveys. They have spent time in the Cape Fear and Lumber basins updating distribution maps for 6 target species of rare fish including the Broadtail Madtom. This is accomplished in part by checking madtom motels.