Media Category: Images


Pictured (L-R) are Sue Homewood and Niki Maher. A long way from home, US 64 at the NC-TN state line.

Lake Adger

Tributary sampling sites on Lake Adger, Polk County.

Cope and Pollock distinquished professor award

Pictured (L-R) are NCSU Applied Ecology Department Head, Harry Daniels; current Distinguished Professor, JoAnn Burkholder; and the two newest Distinguished Professors, Ken Pollock and Greg Cope.

Tom Fox

Tom Fox, NCWRC Fisheries Biologist displays an American Shad captured during a recent electrofishing survey on the Tar River.

Casey Grieshaber

Casey Grieshaber gives a Pee Dee River Robust Redhorse a little love! She’s also researching the species and other fishes in the river ecosystem to examine water quality and contaminant effects on the fish assemblage and fisheries.

2015 SFS raffle

“Shopping” at the student raffle. I am the new proud owner of those paintings since Jim Rice was out of the country!