Power Companies, Tribe, Agencies Sign Conservation Agreement For Rare Sucker

Sicklefin Redhorse – Photograph by Steve Fraley & Robert Jenkins, courtesy of Southeastern Fishes Council
Power companies, the Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians, and state and federal agencies came together this Tuesday to sign a Candidate Conservation Agreement to conserve the Sicklefin Redhorse, an undescribed Moxostoma species found in only six Appalachian counties worldwide and being considered for the federal endangered species list.
Read the full press release here
- Gary Peeples, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service; 828/258-3939, ext. 234; [email protected]
- Mike LaVoie, Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians; 828/554-6113; [email protected]
- Steve Fraley, N.C. Wildlife Resources Commission; 828/558-6015; [email protected]
- Steve Johnson, Duke Energy Carolinas; 704/382-4240; [email protected]
- Jessica Coleman, Tennessee Valley Authority, 423/751-4480; [email protected]
- Rick Lavender, Georgia Department of Natural Resources; 706/557-3327; [email protected]