Mentoring Committee
We invite students and young professionals to visit with our committee to share insights or consider perspectives in the aquatic conservation career path. Please reach out to Kevin Dockendorf, NCAFS Mentoring Committee Chair, for more information.
Please be sure to check out our resources for fisheries students.
Meetings And Agendas
February 15, 2021 – Student-Mentor Workshop – Recording
Final Report from February 2021 NCAFS Mentoring Workshop
December 7, 2020 NCAFS Mentoring – Kickoff meeting – YouTube video
December 7, 2020 NCAFS Mentoring – Kickoff meeting agenda
Mentoring Resources
Questions about the Fish Hatchery career track?
Let’s hear from Matt Bodenhamer, Assistant Superintendent at Table Rock Fish Hatchery, NC Wildlife Resources Commission (link to video interview)
NPR article: How to Find a Mentor and Make It Work
There is also a podcast from this article.
Exploring Ecological Careers (26 open access articles) from Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment (Ecological Society of America)
Each article focused on a different non-academic career either a specific type of employer (non‐governmental organizations, museums, field stations, federal government, state governments, corporations) or a job classification that might be found at one of multiple types of organizations (science writer, policy advisor).
View the Occupational Outlook Handbook – Life, Physical and Social Science Occupations